Title IX Reporting Form


Name of Person Filing Complaint
First Name
Last Name
Note: You will be contacted further to discuss the complaint. Please understand that if you wish to remain anonymous, you may.
Please be advised that the required email address below doesn't need to be your regular email address. If you'd like to remain anonymous, please consider creating a new email account just for use in communicating about this complaint.
If the Colonial School District has no way to contact you, it may limit or prohibit the District from taking necessary or requested steps to address the basis of the complaint, and the complaint may be dismissed.
Relationship to the School
NOTE: If you are an employee of the Colonial School District or otherwise identified as a mandatory reporter of child abuse (pursuant to Chapter 23 PA.C.S. §6311), please be reminded that the nature of this report may require you to also make a report to ChildLine 1-800-932-0313.
School District Administrator, Compliance Officer and/or Title IX Coordinator, please be advised that the nature of this report may require you to notify law enforcement.
Name of School


Complainant's Relationship to the School
Instead of submitting this form, you may deliver or email this complaint to the Title IX Coordinator:
Melissa Figueroa-Douglas
Administrative Offices
230 Flourtown Road
Plymouth Meeting, PA. 19462
Email: moreilly@colonialsd.org