Included below is a list of CSDEF Teacher/Staff Awards for review and example.
Title: Home & School Together Workshop Series
Recipient: Emily Rosenfeld
Location: CES
Year: 2019
Amount: $1700
Purpose: Over the course of six months, this workshop for parents in grades 3-5 and teachers focused on the emotional needs of children and its school impact. Led by START Leadership the funds supported multiple zoom workshops and travel for the facilitators.
Title: Kite Runner
Recipient: Brian Weiner
Location: PWHS
Year: 2021
Amount: $500
Purpose: Honors Contemporary Literature students read Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, then worked to fly their own kites and write responses about the experience. Prior to that they watched videos about the significance of kite running in Afghanistan and then created a photo story of their experience. They analyzed the role of the kite as a metaphor, constructed kites and planned to maintain their flight, collected photos to create a photo story, and composed a poem or photo story to expound upon the experience.
Title: Hugimals
Recipient: Susan Mayson, Annie Leanness, Elyse Nevins, Bridget Behan
Location: RP, CE, PE, WE
Year: 2023
Amount: $1000-$1200 per school (based on size)
Purpose: Funding emotional support through the purchase of stuffed animals and sets of books to develop the use of self-calming strategies, self-awareness of feelings, emotions, and how to help manage them
Title: Book Chat
Recipient: Manuela Herbas and Kerry Douglas
Location: CES
Year: 2023
Amount: $2000
Purpose: Support language arts curriculum through morning book discussions with interested students; promoting the love of reading through quality literature
Title: Divorce & Grief Libraries
Recipient: Lisa Furness
Location: CE, PE, RP, WE
Year: 2023
Amount: $500-750 to each school (based on size)
Purpose: Provided books that support various strategies and include resources to parents, teachers, and students on how to deal with loss