Privacy Policy
It is the policy of the Colonial School District that its computers, networks, the Internet, electronic communications and information systems (collectively CIS systems) must be used for education-related purposes. Student use of the CIS for any other purpose may result in the cancellation of the privilege to use the network and equipment of the District and may also result in disciplinary consequences. Steps have been taken to ensure student safety; all access to the internet is through an internet filter that screens out inappropriate websites, chat rooms and games. This filtering meets the requirements of the federal regulations.
Parents/Guardians have the right to deny individual internet access for their children. If you do not want your child to have internet access at school, please complete the Internet Permission Agreement in the PowerSchool Parent/Guardian Portal at the beginning of the school year.
Colonial School District uses individual student data for state and federal reporting purposes in accordance with state and federal laws, including the federal No Child Left Behind Act, state assessments, state aid, special education and program participation as well as to satisfy other data requests needed for managing the district instructional programs.
The Superintendent or designee has the authority to establish a system that maintains data in accordance with FERPA and other relevant state and federal laws. Procedures used to ensure the confidentiality of student information and data have been implemented by the Colonial School District. The process does not expand or in any way change the allowable uses by staff or the availability of student data to any other educator or member of the public.
IMPORTANT: Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you have access to any data other than your own, please report to the school building front office.