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1:1 Device Guidelines

The device your child will receive is the property of the Colonial School District, and there are certain responsibilities that you have as a student or parent/guardian in regards to using the device that will be issued to you. Kindergarteners and first-graders receive iPads; all other grades will receive Chromebooks. Those entering second, fifth, and ninth grade will receive a brand new Chromebook as part of the replacement cycle.

Devices provided to students by the school district is a privilege, not a right. The Colonial Board of School Directors’ loan of equipment is provided for educational purposes only. Unauthorized and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation and/or loss of this privilege.

The terms, responsibilities, guidelines, and rules are outlined below in the 1:1 Device Policy.  Each student and a parent/guardian must agree to the terms before a device is issued. 

1:1 Device Policy