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Special Education Records Notice

The following is intended to notify you of when the District considers certain records to be no longer educationally relevant:

  • All test protocols and other raw data used as part of an evaluation or reevaluation will be considered no longer educationally relevant one year from the conclusion of the evaluation or reevaluation.
  • All IEP progress monitoring data will be considered no longer educationally relevant as of the date on which such data are reported to parents or guardians in a progress report or at the conclusion of the school year during which such data are collected, whichever is sooner.
  • All notes of IEP Team members and draft IEPs, if any, will be considered no longer educationally relevant as of the date that the IEP to which such notes of drafts pertain is issued to the parents or guardian.
  • All Permissions to Evaluate or Reevaluate, Invitations to IEP or Other Meetings and related documents, Evaluation or Reevaluation Reports, IEPs, Notices of Recommended Educational Placement and related documents, Complaint Investigation Reports, Mediation Agreements, and Hearing Officer Decisions will be considered no longer educationally relevant at the conclusion of the sixth (6th) year from the date on which the student graduates from High School, ceases residency in the District for reasons other than placement in a hospital or treatment facility, or attains age twenty-one (21), whichever is sooner.
  • Parents and guardians have the right to request, in writing, that the District destroy any or all records deemed no longer educationally relevant. The District, at its discretion, may also destroy such records without further notice to parents, guardians, or students.