Pupil Services
Colonial students receive a wide array of basic and supplemental services, including special education, counseling and school health programs. More than 800 students qualify for individualized education programs (IEPs) due to specific disabilities, and approximately 200 students have gifted individual education programs. Fourteen school counselors support students in grades K-12, and four community counselors offer additional supplemental services.
School health services are provided by certified school nurses and staff nurses to all Colonial students as well as students attending non-public schools within the District. Routine health services include height, weight, vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings. Dental examinations and physical examinations are also provided according to provisions of the Pennsylvania School Code.
Additional supports to students and families include the services of a home and school visitor and a behavioral health adviser.
Pupil Services News
Especially important for children entering kindergarten or 3rd, 6th, 7th, 11th, or 12th grades.
Her session offered "Tips for Mandated Screenings" for nurses new to the school setting.
Summer Literacy Blast, Summer Academy, and Extended School Year blend academics and activities to prep students for a new school year.
Principals, district office staff, psychologists, counselors, teachers, and nurses took part in professional development to determine if a student is threatening to do harm to themselves or others — and review what to do about it.
Whether a student is experiencing a minor emotional or behavioral issue or a family needs to know where their child can receive treatment, the District has resources to help.
Contact Pupil Services
Karen Berk
Director of Pupil Services and Special Education
610-834-1670, ext. 2111
Click here to email Ms. Berk
Tim Murch
Special Education Supervisor (6-12)
610-834-1670, ext. 2105
Click here to email Mr. Murch
Dr. Caitlin Gilmartin
Special Education Supervisor (K-5)
610-834-1670, ext. 2134
Click here to email Dr. Gilmartin
Dr. Felix Scherzinger
Behavioral Health Adviser/Community Health Liaison
610-834-1670, ext. 2147
Click here to email Dr. Scherzinger
Meghann Radick
Home and School Visitor
Homeless Liaison
610-834-1670, ext. 2108
Click here to email Ms. Radick
Are you a community-based mental health professional who will be working with Colonial?
Click here for information and links to required clearances.