Requests for Proposals
Each year, Colonial School District issues requests for proposals (RFPs) for contracted services. Contracted services are sometimes sought for work that might be large in scope and/or more cost efficient when done by outside vendors. We will advertise any current RFPs here on this page.
Colonial Elementary School & District Administration Office Renovations
Sealed Proposals will be received by Colonial School District for General Construction, Mechanical Construction, Plumbing Construction and Electrical Construction for the Colonial School District – Colonial Elementary School & District Administration Office Renovations.
Proposals shall be addressed to Mr. Joe Lally, Director of Operations for the Colonial School District, and received at Colonial Elementary School, located at 230 Flourtown Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462.
Proposals are due by 2:00 PM, February 7th, 2024.
Bidding Documents will be available Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 by 3pm.
Bidders must register with the Architect prior to receiving Bidding Documents. Bidders shall email Joe Messmer at Bidders must indicate name and address of their Company, work discipline, contact name and contact email. Upon completion of registration, Bidders will be given a link to access the documents. Questions regarding the bid shall be emailed using RFI format (Request For Information) to
A non-mandatory Pre-bid meeting will be held as follows: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 at 10am. The meeting will be held at Colonial Elementary School, located at 230 Flourtown Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462.
Proposals shall conform to all other requirements as more fully set forth in the bidding documents. The right to waive any informality in any bid, to reject any or all bids, or to award any Contract in the best interest of the Owner is reserved.