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As part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Pennsylvania was provided with $5 billion in Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (or ESSER) funds to support school districts coping with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each school district and charter school received an amount proportional to the Federal Title I-A funds received in 2020 under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Funds are to be used to prepare, prevent, or respond to COVID-19 and/or address learning losses that occurred as a result of the pandemic. The chart below shows how Colonial School District used its allocations. For a PDF version of the chart below, please click here. 

Graph showing ESSER fund distribution

For detailed information about what each allocation is being used for, please review the applications posted below. If you need the documents in a more accessible format, please contact our webmaster at

ESSER I Summer Program
ESSER II Before-After School Program
ESSER III Learning Loss