CES Renovation Project
A rendering of what Colonial Elementary School will look like following a renovation project starting in March 2024.
Colonial Elementary School will be undergoing a renovation project to add new classrooms needed to address an anticipated enrollment increase.
Planning has been underway for the renovation project since June 2023, when the School Board approved moving ahead with construction. Enrollment projections have indicated that Colonial Elementary School will grow by approximately 100 to 125 students by the start of the 2025-26 school year.
To meet this demand, the existing District Administration spaces will be converted into multiple new classrooms on the first floor. A portion of the Colonial Elementary School gym will be converted into a two-story office space for District Administration, a change which will also allow for there to be a separate entrance to these offices apart from the school. Currently, District Administration offices are accessed through the entrance to Colonial Elementary School.
Another benefit of the project will be reconfiguring the main entrance to the school, so that there is a vestibule where visitors can check in right upon entering the school, instead of being required to walk past the gym and auditorium. Colonial Elementary School administrative offices will also be relocated to the first floor. These changes will enhance the safety and security of the building.
Construction bids were awarded in February 2024, and work is slated to begin in March 2024 and wrap up by September of 2025. Throughout the construction process, every effort will be made to minimize disruption to the learning environment and to maintain student, faculty and staff safety. Please click on the news items on this page at right for status updates as the work progresses.
The total cost of the project is estimated to be between $20 and $22 million. The Board authorized a General Obligation Bond in the amount of $15 million in June 2023 to help pay for the project. The remaining cost for the project would come from the district’s Capital Reserve Fund.
What's New?
Renovation work that took place over the summer has resulted in a modern and secure entrance to the school.
Work has begun to convert first-floor offices into classrooms and to reconfigure the main entrance of the building to enhance safety and security.
The demolished part of the gym will be converted to offices so that the current first floor office spaces can become classrooms.