How We Teach Reading at CSD
The Colonial School District is committed to delivering the highest-quality reading instruction so that all students who enter our schools will read well, read often, and read for life.
To make sure that we’re meeting the needs of your child, we are implementing the structured literacy approach, a shift in reading instruction based on research and the science of reading. Please read on to learn more about this approach and what it means for your child.
Structured Literacy Approach
What are the components of the Structured Literacy Approach?
Click on the items below to learn more about each of the components to reading instruction at Colonial School District. If you would rather download the information in a single document, please click here to access a PDF.
The body of work referred to as the Science of Reading is not an ideology, a philosophy, a political agenda, a one-size-fits-all approach, a program of instruction, nor a specific component of instruction. It is the emerging consensus from many related disciplines, based on literally thousands of studies, supported by hundreds of millions of research dollars, conducted across the world in many languages. These studies have revealed a great deal about how we learn to read, what goes wrong when students don't learn, and what kind of instruction is most likely to work the best for the most students.Dr. louisa moats