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Day of Service


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Colonial School District is proud to host an annual Day of Service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We encourage students and families to make their day off a "day on" by participating in various service projects at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School. This year's event was held Jan. 15, 2024. If you are interested in being a part of the planning committee, please reach out to Jessica Lester, Community Relations Coordinator at

Learn More About the Day of Service!

Day of Service 2024

Students speak during the Day of Service event
Students sort clothes
students paint rocks
the letters MLK are formed with handprint and mitten cutouts
painted rocks
students pose for a picture at the registration table.
students make alphabet flashcards
students assemble sock rolls for the Giving Tree
students pose at their station
a high school student assists a younger student on the computer
students pose at the Love Letters for Literacy station
students make pet toys for the spca
students make pet toys for the spca
students make alphabet flashcards
a handwritten message about unity is shown on a mitten cutout
middle school helpers at the day of service
a student and parent make some alphabet flashcards
students assemble sock rolls for the giving tree
students make a presentation at the day of service
a student speaks into a microphone
students paint rocks with kind messages
a student plays the free rice game on a computer

Day of Service 2023

Day of Service 2022