Third Grade
Report Card Guide
Here you'll find what third grade students are learning in Math during each of the three marking periods (trimesters).
First Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Applies place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
- demonstrates an understanding of place value and number relationships in base ten system (identify values of digits and read and write numbers to 999 and using expanded form)
uses place value understanding to sequence, compare and round 2-and 3-digit numbers
add and subtract multiples of 10 or 100 to 2- and 3-digit numbers
adds and subtracts 2-digit numbers
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems involving multiplication and division
draws/creates models to represent a multiplication or division situation
interprets and describes products and quotients of whole numbers
solves mathematical and real-world word problems using multiplication and division in situations
Demonstrates an understanding of the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division
uses properties to simplify and solve multiplication problems (not naming properties)
commutative property of multiplication (if 6 x 4= 24; then 4 x 6 = 24)
associative property of multiplication (2x5x5 can be found by 2 x 5 = 10, then 10 x 3 = 30)
distributive property: 8 x 7 can be found by 8 x (5+2) = (8 x 5) = (8 x 2)
interprets and models division as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor
finds 32÷8 by solving 8 x ? = 32
Demonstrates fluency with multiplication and division combinations
fluently multiplies (x1, x2, x5, x10 facts) using strategies which will lead to memorization
Solves problems involving the four operations, and identifies and explains patterns in arithmetic
solves one-step word problems (+, -, x, ÷)
represents word problems using equations with a symbol standing for the unknown quantity
generates equivalent expression using operations for a given 2- or 3-digit number
Measurement and Data
Solves problems involving measurement and estimation of liquid volume, mass and length
uses a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest inch and half-inch
knows and uses the relationship between linear units when determining measurements, and chooses best tool and unit for the task
Tells and writes time to the nearest minute, and solves problems by calculating time intervals
tells, shows and writes time (analog and digital) to 5 minute increments
connects the various ways to state the time
o 2:45 “45 minutes past 2 o’clock” “quarter of/to 2” “15 minutes before 3 o’clock”
Solves problems involving money and makes change using a combination of coins and bills
compares total values of two or more sets of coins and bills
makes change from an amount up to $1.00
Represents and interprets data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots and bar graphs
collects, organizes and displays data in various formats
solves one-and two-step problems using information to interpret categorical data presented in scaled pictographs and bar graphs
organizes numerical data into a line plot
o creates a line plot using whole number increments
o organizes measurement data and create a line plot using fractional increments to the 1/2 inch
- interprets /describes the data shown on a line plot
Mathematical Practices
Second Trimester
- Number and Operation in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operation in Base Ten
Applies place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
- demonstrates an understanding of place value and number relationships in base ten system (identify values of digits, write numbers to 10,000 and write using expanded form, make representations)
uses place value understanding to order, compare and round three-digit numbers to nearest 10 or 100
adds and subtracts two- and three-digit numbers using appropriate, efficient strategies
multiplies one-digit numbers by 2-digit multiples of 10
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems involving multiplication and division
draws/creates models to represent a multiplication or division situation
interprets and describes products and quotients of whole numbers
solves mathematical and real-world word problems using multiplication and division in situations
Demonstrates an understanding of the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division
uses properties to simplify and solve multiplication problems (not naming properties)
commutative property of multiplication (if 6 x 4= 24; then 4 x 6 = 24)
associative property of multiplication (2x5x5 can be found by 2 x 5 = 10, then 10 x 3 = 30)
distributive property: 8 x 7 can be found by 8 x (5+2) = (8 x 5) = (8 x 2)
interprets and models division as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor
finds 32÷8 by solving 8 x ? = 32
Demonstrates fluency with multiplication and division combinations
fluently multiplies (to 10 x 10) using strategies
thinks of division as a “missing factor” multiplication problem to work toward division fluency
Solves problems involving the four operations, and identifies and explains patterns in arithmetic
solves one- and two-step word problems (+, -, x)
estimates sums and differences using rounding and other strategies (before computing)
represents word problems using equations with a symbol standing for the unknown quantity
writes expressions equal to a given 3-digit number given constraints
identifies the missing symbol (+,-,x, ÷, <,>,=) that makes a number sentence true
Identifies, compares and classifies 2-D shapes and their attributes
analyzes and defines polygons and describes using mathematical vocabulary
names and categorizes regular and irregular polygons based on their characteristics
compares and contrasts characteristics of polygons in order to classify them into larger groups
Measurement and Data
Solves problems involving measurement and estimation of liquid volume, mass and length
uses a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest half inch and centimeter
knows and uses the relationship between linear units when determining measurements, and choose best tool and unit for the task
Tells and writes time to the nearest minute, and solves problems by calculating time intervals
tells, shows and writes time (analog and digital) to the minute
connects the various ways to state the time
o 2:45 “45 minutes past 2 o’clock” “quarter of/to 2” “15 minutes before 3 o’clock”
Solves problems involving money and makes change using a combination of coins and bills
compares total values of two or more sets of coins and bills
makes change from an amount up to $5.00
Represents and interprets data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots and bar graphs
interprets /describes the data shown on a line plot
solves one-and two-step problems using information to interpret categorical data presented in scaled pictographs, bar graphs and line plots marked in ½ inch increments
Solves problems involving area and perimeter of polygons and distinguishes between linear and area measures
finds the area of 2-D figures in real world and mathematical problems by:
o counting unit squares inside the figure
o multiplying side lengths of rectangles
finds the perimeter of 2-D figures in real world and mathematical problems:
o add side lengths to find the perimeter
o find an unknown side length when perimeter and the other side lengths are known
correctly labels area in square units (sq in, sq cm, sq ft, etc) and perimeter in units (in., cm, ft, etc)
identifies and creates rectangles having the same perimeter but different areas, as well as having the same areas but different perimeters
Mathematical Practices
Third Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Number and Operations: Fractions
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Applies place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
- demonstrates an understanding of place value and number relationships in base ten system (identify values of digits and writing numbers to 10,000 using expanded form)
uses place value understanding to order, compare and round two-and three-digit numbers
adds and subtracts two- and three-digit numbers using appropriate, efficient strategies
multiplies one-digit numbers by 2-digit multiples of 10
Number and Operations: Fractions
Demonstrates an understanding of fractions as numbers
uses fractions to represent equal parts of a whole or set
writes the fraction that corresponds to a drawing or part of a set
creates a model or set that represents a given fraction
represents fractions on a number line model
understands that two fractions are equivalent if they are the same size, or occupy the same point on a number line
expresses whole numbers as fractions
compares two fractions with the same numerator or same denominator by reasoning about their size; uses >,<,= to compare them and justify reasoning
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems involving multiplication and division
draws/creates models to represent a multiplication or division situation
interprets and describes products and quotients of whole numbers
solves mathematical and real-world word problems using multiplication and division in situations
Demonstrates an understanding of the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division
uses properties to simplify and solve multiplication problems (not naming properties)
commutative property of multiplication (if 6 x 4= 24; then 4 x 6 = 24)
associative property of multiplication (2x5x5 can be found by 2 x 5 = 10, then 10 x 3 = 30)
distributive property: 8 x 7 can be found by 8 x (5+2) = (8 x 5) = (8 x 2)
interprets and models division as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor
finds 32÷8 by solving 8 x ? = 32
Demonstrates fluency with multiplication and division combinations
fluently multiplies (to 10 x 10) and divides using strategies which will lead to memorization of the multiplication and division math facts
Solves problems involving the four operations, and identifies and explains patterns in arithmetic
solves one- and two-step word problems (+, -, x, ÷)
estimates sums and differences using rounding and other strategies (before computing)
represents word problems using equations with a symbol standing for the unknown quantity
identifies the symbol (+,-,x, ÷, <,>,=) that makes a number sentence true
solves two-step equations using order of operations with no grouping symbols
Identifies, compares and classifies 2-D shapes and their attributes
analyzes and defines polygons and describes using mathematical vocabulary
names and categorizes regular and irregular polygons based on their characteristics
compares and contrasts characteristics of polygons in order to classify them into larger groups
Partitions shapes into parts with equal areas and expresses the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole
divide geometric shapes into parts, all of the parts have the same area
express the area of each of the equal parts as a fraction (example – a shape partitioned into 4 equal area parts, each part is ¼th of the total area of the shape)
Measurement and Data
Solves problems involving measurement and estimation of liquid volume, mass and length
uses a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest quarter inch and centimeter
knows and uses the relationship between linear units when determining measurements
measures and estimates liquid volume using standard (c, pt, qt, gal) and metric (mL, L) units
measures and estimates weight (mass) using standard (oz, lb) and metric (g, kg) units
uses the four operations to solve one-step word problems involving masses or liquid volumes that are given in the same units
Tells and writes time to the nearest minute, and solves problems by calculating time intervals
tells, shows and writes time (analog and digital) to the minute
connects the various ways to state the time
o 2:45 “45 minutes past 2 o’clock” “quarter of/to 2” “15 minutes before 3 o’clock”
determines the amount of time elapsed between events or the start/end time of an event given the time elapsed
Solves problems involving money and makes change using a combination of coins and bills
compares total values of two or more sets of coins and bills
makes change from an amount up to $5.00
Represents and interprets data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots and bar graphs
collects, organizes and displays data in various formats
translates data from one type of data display to another
solves one-and two-step problems using information to interpret categorical data presented in scaled pictographs and bar graphs
organizes numerical data into a line plot
creates a line plot using whole number increments
organizes measurement data and create a line plot using fractional increments to the ¼ inch
interprets /describes the data shown on a line plot
Solves problems involving area and perimeter of polygons and distinguishes between linear and area measures
finds the area of 2-D figures in real world and mathematical problems by:
o counting unit squares inside the figure
o multiplying side lengths of rectangles
finds the perimeter of 2-D figures in real world and mathematical problems:
o add side lengths to find the perimeter
o find an unknown side length when perimeter and the other side lengths are known
correctly labels area in square units (sq in, sq cm, sq ft, etc) and perimeter in units (in., cm, ft, etc)
identifies and creates rectangles having the same perimeter but different areas, as well as having the same areas but different perimeters