Report Card Guide
Here you'll find what kindergartners are learning in Math during each of the three marking periods (trimesters).
First Trimester
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Knows number names and writes and recites the counting sequence
identifies numerals: 0 – 10
writes numbers: 0 - 10
represents a quantity with a written numeral: 0 – 10
rote count to 30
Applies one-to-one correspondence to count the number of objects
understands the relationship between numbers and quantities and connects counting to cardinality
o when counting objects, says the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object
o understands that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted
o understands that the number of objects is the same, regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted
o understands that each successive number refers to a quantity that is one larger
organizes and counts a set of up to 10 objects in various configurations
given a number from 1-10, counts out that many objects
creates a set of objects with the same number as a given set of up to 10 objects
draws or creates representations of numbers (0-10)
Applies the concept of magnitude to compare numbers and quantities
compares two quantities (up to 10) using terms more/fewer; greater than/less than/same as/equal to
orders quantities (0-10) least (smallest) to greatest (largest)
Identifies and describes two- and three-dimensional shapes
- identifies and names two- dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations: squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, and also in the real-world contexts, based on characteristics
- example: triangles
- example: triangles
- identifies shapes as two-dimensional (flat)
- describes the relative positions of shapes and other objects using terms such as:
- above, below, beside, between, next to, before, after, inside, outside, over, under
Analyzes, compares, creates and composes two- and three-dimensional shapes
- analyzes, describes and compares attributes of two- dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations: number of sides, “corners”, lengths of sides
- draws and models 2-D shapes
- puts together simple shapes to form larger shapes (for example, 2 triangles to make a rectangle)
Measurement and Data
Describes and compares measurable attributes of objects
- directly compares lengths of objects and directly compare an object to a tower of cubes
- uses comparison words: longer, shorter, the same size/length
Classifies objects and counts the number of objects in each category
- sorts geometric shapes based on attributes/characteristics
- sorts and categorizes shapes and records data in table format
- counts the number of shapes in each category
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
- makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- uses precise math vocabulary to explain reasoning
- uses appropriate tools strategically
- create models and pictures to represent mathematical situations
- notices the patterns/regularities in mathematics and applies them to help solve problems
Second Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Knows number names and writes and recites the counting sequence
Identifies and writes numerals: 0 – 15
represents a quantity with a written numeral: 0 – 15
rote counts to 50
Applies one-to-one correspondence to count the number of objects
understands the relationship between numbers and quantities and connects counting to cardinality
o when counting objects, says the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object
o understands that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted
o understands that the number of objects is the same, regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted
o understands that each successive number refers to a quantity that is one larger
organizes and counts a set of up to 15 objects in various configurations, including scattered
given a number from 1-15, counts out that many objects
creates a set of objects with the same number as a given set of up to 15 objects
draws or creates representations of numbers (0-15)
Applies the concept of magnitude to compare numbers and quantities
compares two quantities (up to 15 using terms more/fewer; greater than/less than/same as/equal to
orders quantities (0-10) least (smallest) to greatest (largest)
determines one more and one fewer than a given number
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Extends the concepts of putting together and taking apart to add and subtract within 10
Demonstrates understanding of addition:
combines two amounts to find the total quantity
adds on to one quantity to make another
finds possible combinations to make a number: 7 is 4 and 3; 6 and 1; 5 and 2
Demonstrates understanding of subtraction:
finds the difference between two quantities
“takes away” from one quantity to make another
Identifies and describes two- and three-dimensional shapes
identifies two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations: squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, spheres
example: triangles
identifies shapes as two-dimensional (flat) or three-dimensional (solid)
describes the relative positions of shapes and other objects using terms such as:
o above, below, beside, between, next to, before, after, inside, outside, over, under
Analyzes, compares, creates and composes two- and three-dimensional shapes
analyzes, describes and compares attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations: number of sides, “corners”, lengths of sides, number of faces
recognize a face of a 3-D shape as a 2-D shape
draws and models shapes
puts together simple shapes to form larger shapes (for example, 2 triangles to make a rectangle)
Measurement and Data
Describes and compares measurable attributes of objects
uses non-standard units (unifix cubes, craft sticks) to measure and record the length of an object
uses comparison words: longer, shorter, the same size/length
Classifies objects and counts the number of objects in each category
- sorts geometric shapes based on attributes/characteristics
sorts and categorizes shapes and records data in table format
counts the number of shapes in each category
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
uses precise math vocabulary to explain reasoning
explains own reasoning and listens to/evaluates the reasoning of others
uses appropriate tools strategically
creates models and pictures to represent mathematical situations
makes sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations and is able to use numbers and operation symbols to represent the situation
notices the patterns/regularities in mathematics and applies them to help solve problems
Third Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Knows number names and writes and recites the counting sequence
Identifies and writes numerals: 0 – 20
recognizes word form: zero, one, two, three … ten
represents a quantity with a written numeral: 0 – 20
rote counts to 100, by ones and tens, and counts beginning with a number other than 1
Applies one-to-one correspondence to count the number of objects
understands the relationship between numbers and quantities and connects counting to cardinality
o when counting objects, says the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object
o understands that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted
o understands that the number of objects is the same, regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted
o understands that each successive number refers to a quantity that is one larger
organizes and counts a set of up to 20 objects in various configurations, including scattered
given a number from 1-20, counts out that many objects
creates a set of objects with the same number as a given set of up to 20 objects
draws or creates representations of numbers (0-20)
Applies the concept of magnitude to compare numbers and quantities
compares two quantities (up to 20) using terms more/fewer; greater than/less than/same as/equal to
compares two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals
orders quantities (0-20) least (smallest) to greatest (largest)
Use place value to compose and decompose numbers within 19
represents “teen” numbers on ten frames, to recognize that the number is made up of 1 ten and some ones
record using equations: 19 = 10 + 9 or 10 + 9 = 19
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Extends the concepts of putting together and taking apart to add and subtract within 10
understands addition as putting together/adding to and subtraction as taking apart/taking from
represents addition and subtraction with drawings, models and equations
solves addition and subtraction story problems
finds possible combinations to make a number: 7 is 4 and 3; 6 and 1; 5 and 2 and records them using equations 4 + 3 = 7
given any number (1-9), finds the missing part (missing addend) to make 10
fluently add and subtract within 5 (4 - 2 = ___; 3 + 2 = ___)
Identifies and describes two- and three-dimensional shapes
identifies two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations: squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, spheres
identifies shapes as two-dimensional (flat) or three-dimensional (solid)
describes the relative positions of shapes and other objects using terms such as:
o above, below, beside, between, next to, before, after, inside, outside, over, under
Analyzes, compares, creates and composes two- and three-dimensional shapes
analyzes, describes and compares attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations: number of sides, “corners”, lengths of sides
recognize a 3-D face as a 2-D shape
draws and models shapes
- composes simple shapes to form larger shapes (for example, 2 triangles to make a rectangle)
Measurement and Data
Describes and compares measurable attributes of objects
- understands and compares length and weight of objects
- uses non-standard units to measure and record the length of an object
- compares relative lengths of objects: longer, shorter, the same size/length
- compares relative weights of objects using a balance scale: lighter, heavier
Classifies objects and counts the number of objects in each category
- describes attributes (characteristics) of an object or shape
- sorts a set of objects into two groups based on an attribute
- describes the rule by which the set has been sorted
- counts the number of shapes/objects in each category
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
uses precise math vocabulary to explain reasoning
explains own reasoning and listens to/evaluates the reasoning of others
uses appropriate tools strategically
creates models and pictures to represent mathematical situations
makes sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations and is able to use numbers and operation symbols to represent the situation
notices the patterns/regularities in mathematics and applies them to help solve problems
makes use of the structure such as place value when solving problems