Fourth Grade
Report Card Guide
Here you'll find what fourth grade students are learning in Math during each of the three marking periods (trimesters).
First Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Applies place value concepts to show understanding of multi-digit whole numbers
- Applies place value and numeration concepts to compare, find equivalencies, and round
- Demonstrates an understanding that in a multi digit whole number (through 1,000,000), a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right
Example: Recognize that in the number 770, the 7 in the hundreds place is ten times the 7 in the tens place
- Compares two multi-digit numbers through 1,000,000 based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols
- Reads and writes whole numbers in expanded, standard and word form (through 1,000,000)
- Rounds multi-digit whole numbers (through 1,000,000) to any place
Uses place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
- Uses operations to solve problems
- Adds and subtracts multi-digit whole numbers (limit sums and subtrahends up to and including 1,000,000)
- Multiplies a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number and multiply 2 two-digit numbers
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems involving the four operations
- Uses numbers and symbols to model the concepts of expressions and equations
- Interprets a multiplication equation as a comparison
- Represents verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations
Example: Interpret 35 = 5 x 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5
Example: Know that 24 is 3 times as many as 8 can be represented by the equation 24 = 3 x 8 or 24 = 8 x 3
- Multiplies or divides to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison
- Example: Know that 3 x 4 can be used to represent that Student A has 4 objects and Student B has 3 times as many objects, and not just 3 more objects.
- Example: Know that 3 x 4 can be used to represent that Student A has 4 objects and Student B has 3 times as many objects, and not just 3 more objects.
- Solves word problems (including multi- step) posed with whole numbers using the four operations
Represents these problems using equations with a symbol or letter standing for the unknown quantity (includes order of operations with parentheses only)
- Interprets a multiplication equation as a comparison
Develops and/or applies number theory concepts to find factors and multiples
- Develops and applies number theory concepts to represent numbers in various ways
- Finds all factor pairs for a whole number in the interval 1 through 100
- Recognizes that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors
- Identifies dimensions of an array as factors
- Determines whether a given whole number in the interval 1 through 100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number
- Determines whether a given whole number is prime, composite, and/or square
- Finds all factor pairs for a whole number in the interval 1 through 100
Generates and analyzes patterns using one rule
- Recognizes, describes, extends, creates, and replicates a variety of patterns
- Generates a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and continue a given pattern
- Determines a rule for a function table or finds a missing element in a function table
- Generates a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and continue a given pattern
Measurement and Data
Solves problems involving measurement and conversions from a larger unit to a smaller unit
- Solves problems involving time
- Uses the four operations to solve word problems involving intervals of time (such as elapsed time)
Organizes, represents and interprets data using a variety of graphs
- Represent and interpret data (whole number and fractions) found in tables, bar graphs, pictographs
- Translates information from one type of data display to another (ex: table to a bar graph or pictograph)
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
- Makes sense of mathematical problems and perseveres in solving them
- Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
- Uses structures such as place value and properties of operations to solve problems
- Creates and uses mathematical models to represent a problem situation
- Uses appropriate tools strategically to solve problems
- Recognizes regularities and applies them when solving other related problems
- Uses math vocabulary to clearly explain and justify mathematical reasoning and critique the reasoning of others
- Calculates accurately and efficiently and uses clear and concise notation and vocabulary to record and explain work
Second Trimester
- Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Applies place value concepts to show understanding of multi-digit whole numbers
- Applies place value and numeration concepts to compare, find equivalencies, and round
- Demonstrates an understanding that in a multi digit whole number (through 1,000,000), a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right
Example: Recognize that in the number 770, the 7 in the hundreds place is ten times the 7 in the tens place
- Compares two multi-digit numbers through 1,000,000 based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbol
- Reads and writes whole numbers in expanded, standard and word form (through 1,000,000)
- Rounds multi-digit whole numbers (through 1,000,000) to any place
Uses place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
- Uses operations to solve problems
- Multiplies two whole numbers using a variety of strategies, limited to problems involving:
- 1 digit by 2 digit; 2 digit by 2 digit; 3 digit by 1 digit (multiples of 10 only)
- Understands the effect of multiplying by a multiple of 10
- Divides up to three-digit dividends by a one-digit divisor using a variety of strategies with answer written as whole number quotients and remainders
- 1 digit by 2 digit; 2 digit by 2 digit; 3 digit by 1 digit (multiples of 10 only)
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems involving the four operations
- Uses numbers and symbols to model the concepts of expressions and equations
- Interprets a multiplication equation as a comparison
- Represents verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations E
Example: 24 is 3 times as many as 8 can be represented as: 24 = 3 x 8 or 24 = 8 x 3
- Solves single and multi-step word problems using the four operations
Involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers
Involving multiplication of whole numbers and multiplicative comparison
Involving division of whole numbers with answers as whole numbers or having remainders that must be interpreted based on the story context
- Multiplies or divides to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison
- Example: Know that 3 x 4 can be used to represent that Student A has 4 objects and Student B has 3 times as many objects, and not just 3 more objects
- Example: Know that 3 x 4 can be used to represent that Student A has 4 objects and Student B has 3 times as many objects, and not just 3 more objects
- Represents word problems using equations with a symbol or letter standing for an unknown quantity including application of order of operations (with parentheses only)
- Interprets a multiplication equation as a comparison
Generates and analyzes patterns using one rule
- Recognizes, describes, extends, creates, and replicates a variety of patterns
- Generates a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and continue a given pattern
- Determines a rule for a function table or finds a missing element in a function table
- Generates a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and continue a given pattern
Draws lines and angles and identifies these in two-dimensional figures
- Lists properties, classifies, draws, and identifies geometric figures in two dimensions
- Draws points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse) and perpendicular and parallel lines
- Identifies these in two-dimensional figures
- Draws points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse) and perpendicular and parallel lines
Classifies two-dimensional figures by properties of their lines and angles and by the absence or presence of lines of symmetry
- Classifies two-dimensional figures based on:
- Presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines
- Presence or absence of angles of a specific size (right, acute, obtuse)
- recognizes right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles
- recognizes right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles
- Attributes including number and length of sides
- recognizes attributes of quadrilaterals
- recognizes attributes of quadrilaterals
- Presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines
- Draws, recognizes and names points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse) and perpendicular and parallel lines
- Recognizes a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into mirroring parts
- Identifies line-symmetric figures
- Draw lines of symmetry on a two dimensional figure (up to two lines of symmetry)
- Identifies line-symmetric figures
Measurement and Data
Solves problems involving measurements, conversions and measuring angles
- Solves problems involving length, weight, liquid volume, time, area and perimeter
- Converts linear measurements using a table of equivalencies
- Solves word problems involving linear conversions
- Tells time and calculates elapsed time
- Understands the concepts of area and perimeter and the real-world applications of each
- Applies formulas to determine the area and perimeter of rectangles in real-world mathematical problems
- Finds missing side length when one side length and the area and/or perimeter is given
- Converts linear measurements using a table of equivalencies
- Measures angles and uses properties of adjacent angles to solve problems
- Uses appropriate tools and units to sketch an angle and determine angle measurements
- Measures angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor and sketches angles of specified measure
- Solves addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on a diagram in real-world and mathematical problems.
- Uses appropriate tools and units to sketch an angle and determine angle measurements
Organizes, represents and interprets data using a variety of graphs
- Represent and interpret data (whole number and fractions) found in tables, bar graphs, pictographs, line plots
- Translates information from one type of data display to another (ex: table to a line plot marked in fractional units, bar graph, pictograph)
- Make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fraction of a unit (halves, fourths and eighths)
- Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using information presented in the line plots
- Translates information from one type of data display to another (ex: table to a line plot marked in fractional units, bar graph, pictograph)
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
- Makes sense of mathematical problems and perseveres in solving them
- Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
- Uses structures such as place value and properties of operations to solve problems
- Creates and uses mathematical models to represent a problem situation
- Uses appropriate tools strategically to solve problems
- Recognizes regularities and applies them when solving other related problems
- Uses math vocabulary to clearly explain and justify mathematical reasoning and critique the reasoning of others
- Calculates accurately and efficiently and uses clear and concise notation and vocabulary to record and explain work
Third Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Numbers and Operations: Fractions
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Applies place value concepts to show understanding of multi-digit whole numbers
- Applies place value and numeration concepts to compare, find equivalencies, and round
- Demonstrates an understanding that in a multi-digit whole number (through 1,000,000) a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right
- Compares two multi-digit numbers through 1,000,000 based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, <, and = symbols
- Demonstrates an understanding that in a multi-digit whole number (through 1,000,000) a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right
Uses place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
- Uses operations to solve problems
- Multiplies two whole numbers using a variety of strategies, limited to problems involving:1 digit by 2 digit; 2 digit by 2 digit; 3 digit by 1 digit, and 4 digit by 1 digit
- Divides up to four-digit dividends by a one or two-digit divisor using a variety of strategies (including the application of the multiplication/division relationship) with answer written as whole number quotients and remainders
- Multiplies two whole numbers using a variety of strategies, limited to problems involving:1 digit by 2 digit; 2 digit by 2 digit; 3 digit by 1 digit, and 4 digit by 1 digit
Numbers and Operations: Fractions
Generates equivalencies and compares fractions
- Recognizes equivalent fractions
- Creates a set of fractions which are equivalent to a given fraction, i.e. 2/4 = ½
- Compares two fractions using symbols: <, >, =
- Orders fractions on a number line
Solves problems involving fractions and whole numbers
- Adds and subtracts fractions and mixed numbers with common denominators (straight computation and word problems)
- Multiplies a whole number by a fraction (straight computation and word problems)
Connects decimal notation to fractions and compares decimal fractions
- Writes fractions with denominators of 10 or 100 as a decimal
- Compares two decimals using >, <, = symbols and justifies the conclusions
- Adds two fractions with respective denominators 10 and 100
- Example: add 3/10 + 4/100 = ___ by renaming 3/10 as 30/100; 30/10 + 4/100 = 34/100
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems involving the four operations
- Uses numbers and symbols to model the concepts of expressions and equations
- Interprets a multiplication equation as a comparison
- Represents verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations
- Example: Interpret 35 = 5 x 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5
- Example: Know that 24 is 3 times as many as 8 can be represented by the equation 24 = 3 x 8 or 24 = 8 x 3
- Example: Interpret 35 = 5 x 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5
- Solves single and multi-step word problems using the four operations
- Involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers
- Involving multiplicative comparison
- Involving multiplication of whole numbers
- Involving division of whole numbers with answers as whole numbers or having remainders that must be interpreted based on the story context
- Involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers
- Represents word problems using equations with a symbol or letter standing for an unknown quantity, including application of order of operations (with parentheses only)
- Interprets a multiplication equation as a comparison
Develops and/or applies number theory concepts to find factors and multiples
- Develops and applies number theory concepts to represent numbers in various ways
- Knows multiplication combinations up to 12 x 12
- Knows division combinations related to multiplication combinations
- Knows multiplication combinations up to 12 x 12
- Applies understanding of factors and multiples to develop strategies for solving multiplication and division problems=
Generates and analyzes patterns using one rule
- Recognizes, describes, extends, creates, and replicates a variety of patterns
- Generates a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and continue a given pattern
- Determines a rule for a function table or finds a missing element in a function table
- Generates a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and continue a given pattern
Measurement and Data
Solves problems involving measurements, conversions and measuring angles
- Solves problems involving length, weight, liquid volume, time, area and perimeter
- Converts measurements using a table of equivalencies to solve word problems
- Uses the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time (such as elapsed time), liquid volumes, masses of objects; money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals; and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit
- Converts measurements using a table of equivalencies to solve word problems
Organizes, represents and interprets data using a variety of graphs
- Represent and interpret data (whole number and fractions) found in tables, bar graphs, pictographs, line plots
- Translates information from one type of data display to another (ex: table to a line plot marked in fractional units, bar graph, pictograph)
- Make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fraction of a unit (halves, fourths and eighths)
- Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using information presented in the line plots
- Translates information from one type of data display to another (ex: table to a line plot marked in fractional units, bar graph, pictograph)
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
- Makes sense of mathematical problems and perseveres in solving them
- Uses structures such as place value and properties of operations to solve problems
- Creates and uses mathematical models to represent a problem situation
- Uses appropriate tools strategically to solve problems
- Recognizes regularities and applies them when solving other related problems
- Uses math vocabulary to clearly explain and justify mathematical reasoning and critique the reasoning of others
- Calculates accurately and efficiently and uses clear and concise notation and vocabulary to record and explain work