First Grade
Report Card Guide
Here you'll find what first grade students are learning in Math during each of the three marking periods (trimesters).
First Trimester
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Extend the counting sequence to read and write numerals to represent objects
rote counts to 120 by ones (forward and backward), starting at a number other than 1, using a number line as a tool
counts sets of objects (to 30) and demonstrates one-to-one correspondence
identifies and writes numerals (0 – 30)
draws or creates representations of numbers (0 - 30)
Use place value concepts to represent amounts of tens and ones, and to compare one- and two-digit numbers
- represents a 2-digit number (to 30) as some number of groups of tens and some number of ones using ten frames
- uses an equation to represent a 2-digit number (to 30) as the sum of multiples of ten and some number of ones (ex 22=20+2 or 22=10+10+2)
- compares numbers (to 30) using greater than, less than and symbols >,<, =
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 20
solves addition and subtraction story problems
visualize, represent and determine appropriate operation to solve a story problem with the total/result unknown
represent addition and subtraction situations with equations
Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction
add and subtract within 12 using strategies
relate counting on/back to addition/subtraction and use it as a strategy to solve
understands that order in which numbers are added doesn’t affect the sum (total)
finds possible 2-addend combinations of numbers (to 12)
understands that a quantity can be expressed in different ways (5+1; 4+2; 2+2+2; etc)
determine the missing part when one part and the total are known using a counting up strategy
understands subtraction as an unknown-addend (missing part) problem because addition and subtraction are inversely related operations
understands the concept of “equality” and the meaning of the equal sign
determines whether equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false
demonstrate fluency with +1, +2, -1, -2 facts
Compose and distinguish between two- and three- dimensional shapes based on their attributes
- identifies 2-D shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus, quadrilaterals
- describes and compares characteristics of 2-D shapes: number of sides, curves, corners/vertices, lengths of sides, “closed shape”
- classify shapes by their characteristics
- draws a circle, triangle, square and rectangle; constructs 2-D shapes with materials and geoboards
- compose and decompose 2-D shapes to create new shapes
- finds 2-D shapes in the real-world
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
makes sense of and models mathematical problems and perseveres in solving them
makes sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations
attends to precision and uses math vocabulary to explain, justify reasoning, and communicate effectively
explains own reasoning and listens to/evaluates the reasoning of others
notices the patterns/regularities in mathematics and applies them to help solve problems
Second Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Extend the counting sequence to read and write numerals to represent objects
rote counts to 120 by ones (forward and backward), starting at a number other than 1, using a number line as a tool
counts sets of objects (to 60) and demonstrates one-to-one correspondence
identifies and writes numerals (0 – 120)
draws or creates representations of numbers (0 - 60)
Use place value concepts to represent amounts of tens and ones, and to compare one- and two-digit numbers
- represents a 2-digit number (to 30) as some number of groups of tens and some number of ones using ten frames
- uses an equation to represent a 2-digit number (to 30) as the sum of multiples of ten and some number of ones (ex 22=20+2 or 22=10+10+2)
- compares numbers (to 120) using greater than, less than and symbols >,<, =
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 20
solves addition and subtraction story problems
visualize, represent and determine appropriate operation to solve a story problem with the total/result unknown and unknown change (missing part)
solve comparison story problems
represent addition and subtraction situations with equations
tell a story problem which could be represented by a given equation
Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction
- add and subtract within 20 using strategies
- relate counting on/back to addition/subtraction and use it as a strategy to solve
- understands that order in which numbers are added doesn’t affect the sum (total)
- finds possible 2-addend combinations of numbers (to 12)
- understands that a quantity can be expressed in different ways (5+1; 4+2; 2+2+2; etc)
- determine the missing part when one part and the total are known, and in an addition and subtraction equation relating 3 numbers (e.g. 5 + __ = 8)
- understands subtraction as an unknown-addend (missing part) problem because addition and subtraction are inversely related operations
- solve comparison problems with the difference unknown and determine how many more or fewer
- understands the concept of “equality” and the meaning of the equal sign
- determines whether equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false
- demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10
Compose and distinguish between two- and three- dimensional shapes based on their attributes
- identifies 2-D shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus, quadrilaterals
- describes and compares characteristics of 2-D shapes: number of sides, curves, corners/vertices, lengths of sides, “closed shape”
- classify shapes by their characteristics
- draws a circle, triangle, square and rectangle; constructs 2-D shapes with materials such as geoboards
- compose and decompose 2-D shapes to create new shapes
- finds 2-D shapes in the real-world
Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into halves and quarters
partitions a whole shape (circles and squares) into two and four equal parts
uses terms halves and fourths to describe (name) these equal parts
understands that partitioning the whole into more equal parts results in smaller pieces
Measurement and Data
Order lengths and measure them both indirectly and by repeating length units
compares lengths of objects through direct comparison using terms longer, shorter
displays accurate measuring techniques to measure lengths of objects with non-standard units such as unifix cubes
expresses length in a number of units
Tell and write time to the nearest half hour using both analog and digital clocks
understands hour and minute are used to measure time and recognize the hour and minute hands on a clock
identifies time to the hour and half-hour shown on analog and digital clocks
represents time to the hour and half-hour on a clock face manipulative
uses time to the hour as it reflects everyday situations and activities
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
makes sense of and models mathematical problems and perseveres in solving them
makes sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations
attends to precision and uses math vocabulary to explain, justify reasoning, and communicate effectively
explains own reasoning and listens to/evaluates the reasoning of others
notices the patterns/regularities in mathematics and applies them to help solve problem
uses appropriate tools strategically
makes use of the structure such as place value and the properties of operations when solving problems
Third Trimester
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Mathematical Practices
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Extend the counting sequence to read and write numerals to represent objects
rote counts to 120 by ones (forward and backward), starting at a number other than 1, and by 2s, 5s and 10s
counts sets of objects and demonstrates one-to-one correspondence
identifies and writes numerals (0 – 120)
draws or creates representations of numbers (0 - 120)
Use place value concepts to represent amounts of tens and ones, and to compare one- and two-digit numbers
- represents a 2-digit number as some number of groups of tens and some number of ones using ten frames, and identify the number of tens and ones in the number
- uses an equation to represent a 2-digit number as the sum of multiples of ten and some number of ones (ex 22=20+2 or 22=10+10+2)
- compares numbers (to 120) using greater than, less than and symbols >,<, =
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract within 100
- add/subtract a two-digit and a one-digit number
- add/subtract a two-digit number and a multiple of 10
- add within 100 using concrete models and strategies
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 20
solves addition and subtraction story problems
visualize, represent and determine appropriate operation to solve a story problem with the total/result unknown and unknown change (missing part), and comparisons
represent addition and subtraction situations with equations
tell a story problem which could be represented by a given equation
Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction
add and subtract within 20 using strategies, including reasoning about numbers
relate counting on/back to addition/subtraction and use it as a strategy to solve
understands that order in which numbers are added doesn’t affect the sum (total)
finds possible 2-addend combinations of numbers (to 12)
understands that a quantity can be expressed in different ways (5+1; 4+2; 2+2+2; etc)
determine the missing part when one part and the total are known, and in an addition and subtraction equation relating 3 numbers (e.g. 5 + __ = 8)
understands subtraction as an unknown-addend (missing part) problem because addition and subtraction are inversely related operations
solve comparison problems with the difference unknown and determine how many more or fewer
understands the concept of “equality” and the meaning of the equal sign
determines whether equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false
demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10
Compose and distinguish between two- and three- dimensional shapes based on their attributes
- identifies 2-D shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus, quadrilaterals) and 3-D shapes (cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, cylinders)
- describes and compares characteristics of 2-D shapes (number of sides, curves, corners/vertices, lengths of sides and 3-D shapes (faces, edges, vertices)
- classifies shapes by their characteristics
- draws or constructs 2-D shapes with materials (ex. geoboard, clay)
- composes and decomposes 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes to create new shapes
- finds 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes in the real-world
Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into halves and quarters
partitions a whole shape (circles and squares) into two and four equal parts
uses terms halves and fourths to describe (name) these equal parts
understands that partitioning the whole into more equal parts results in smaller pieces
Measurement and Data
Order lengths and measure them both indirectly and by repeating length units
compares lengths of objects through direct comparison using terms longer, shorter
displays accurate measuring techniques to measure lengths of objects with non-standard units such as unifix cubes
expresses length in a number of units
Tell and write time to the nearest half hour using both analog and digital clocks
understands hour and minute are used to measure time and recognize the hour and minute hands on a clock
identifies time to the hour and half-hour shown on analog and digital clocks
represents time to the hour and half-hour on a clock face manipulative
Represent and interpret data using tables/charts
organizes, displays and interprets data in various formats
records data collected using various methods
organizes data collected in a variety of ways, including tables, simple bar graphs and picture graphs
analyzes a bar graph, table, or picture graph and answers questions about the information shown such as:
- Who had the most? least?
- How many students like pizza best?
Mathematical Practices
Strategically applies concepts and processes to make sense of problems and solve them
makes sense of and models mathematical problems and perseveres in solving them
makes sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations
attends to precision and uses math vocabulary to explain, justify reasoning, and communicate effectively
explains own reasoning and listens to/evaluates the reasoning of others
notices the patterns/regularities in mathematics and applies them to help solve problem
uses appropriate tools strategically
makes use of the structure such as place value and the properties of operations when solving problems