News & Announcements
Children's activities, food trucks, performances, Alumni area! Sunday, October 13, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at PWHS!
Visit local and federal organizations and service providers for individuals with disabilities and their families.
Visit our online webstore (www.colonialsd.org/aes) to learn about two new classes just added: Build Your Own Charcuterie Board and Fabric Giftwrapping.
Renovation work that took place over the summer has resulted in a modern and secure entrance to the school.
The team brought home the Leadership Award, voted on by the other teams. Ten individuals were named All-American.
Click into the story to show us how you've captured the excitement of a new school year!
Students new to Plymouth Whitemarsh High School this year learned what the high school has to offer through a comprehensive orientation.
Click here to see our classes and register online!
A three-day induction program kicked off Aug. 13 for new teachers, long-term substitutes, nurses, and counselors.
Upcoming Events
Our Mission
For students to learn, grow, and serve in a school community that is welcoming for all.